Saturday 3 May 2008

Another Weekend.

So, here we are at another weekend.

It often, if not always seems to me that weekends seem to come and go way too quickly! Why can't we have a 3-day weekend? Would it really kill our employers to give us 3 days off. They would find that our productivity woul increase threefold if they did. It is all down to just greed.

Anyway, I am now stuck think about all the things that need to be done and just having NADA energy to do anything. Hey-ho.

It's a beaut of a day outside so, really, I should get into the garden. Will see. May get my book out and take a seat and read outside. That's as good as it gets, I'm afraid!
Au Revoir.

Tuesday 29 April 2008


Hey there! So..... here is my first blog, EVER! You may be wondering why the strange title for my blog and here is my thinking:
We all have times, frequently after dinner or at a dinner party, when we turn to conversation and at these times anything can be discussed. However, for one reason or another you may not feel able to to express true opinions. Perhaps it's that cute guy sitting across from you or you have had too much to drink and are semi-comatose, but whatever the reason it doesn't happen! Well.... here is your chance to let rip, verbally. A chance to take part in verbal flatulence. Hence the title!

I like to also be a bit clever and pretend to be intelligent so any philosophical thought and comments on, e.g. theology, politics, religion, the price of cigarettes, are very welcome. Join in and let's share our grissly thoughts with the world!